
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Real Grownups, Part 5: Ordering Your Value System (first aired 9-29-17)
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Part of "the art of adulting" (as Cinthia says today) is having your own value system and living by it instead of changing your values depending on who is nearby or what is happening. Value systems, however, can get way out of order, and Cinthia talks today about what it means to get our value systems in check. She discusses personal, spiritual, family, and career values, and she examines what it looks like to honor these values appropriately. For example, how is loving and caring for our families different from doing everything our family members want us to do? What do values look like in the office? What traits should be part of our character, and what would that look like? A value system is the foundation for all your other decisions. Join Cinthia to look at how to build one or order the one you have.