
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
"40 Day Word Fast" with Guest Tim Cameron, Part One
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Today Cinthia welcomes Tim Cameron for the first part of a two-day interview about his best-selling book The 40 Day Word Fast: A Spiritual Journey to Eliminate Toxic Words From Your Life. They discuss the ways that our speech tends to impact our values and functioning, just as it reveals what is already in our hearts. Tim describes his own realization during a very difficult time that negativity, sarcasm, complaint, criticism, and other toxic speech had become regular parts of his life and his heart; he realized that these were revealing things in his heart and reinforcing toxicity in his mind. Tim came to believe God was calling him to "fast" certain words just as someone might fast from food. As he did this, he experienced profound impact and went on to examine how practices like complaining can destroy us, while replacing these with gratefulness can build us in ways we never imagined. Cinthia discusses the way the concepts Tim outlines in his book relate to her work as a therapist helping people heal, grow, and change. She notes that the negative practices Tim describes are very different than lamenting or expressing feelings in a healthy way, though for some of us it takes time to learn the difference; Tim notes that Job expressed his grief and questions but did not sin with his lips. This topic is too big for one episode, so come back tomorrow to listen to the rest!