
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Real Grownups, Part 2: The Difference Between Hurt and Harm
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Things that hurt an adult can devastate a child, and children need adults to put them back together (though we know they don't always get that help). When our bodies and lifestyles have matured past childhood but left our emotions behind, we adults can function in much the same way -- being harmed by things that should only hurt, needing others to repair and manage them, etc. Cinthia continues this series on becoming all that we were meant to be by helping us look at approaching hurt as emotional adults instead of grown-up-bodied children. She explains the differences among being dependent, independent, and interdependent, and explains how this impacts the level of devastation we experience when other people make decisions that hurt us. Life hurts sometimes, but you don't have to keep experiencing it as a helpless child. Join Cinthia to keep learning, growing, and growing up.