
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Addiction, Part 1: Don't Judge the Addict
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Have you ever been impacted by addiction? Your own? Someone else's? Addiction can be devastating, and it can inspire extreme feelings when we encounter it. Sometimes we even engage in harsh judgment of the addict. Cinthia reminds us that nobody seeks to be in the grip of addiction and looks at what factors can cause addictions in the first place; she also covers some basic definitions that will help us better understand what constitutes an addiction and how it differs from a habit, compulsive disorder, etc. Toward the end of the episode, Cinthia addresses the question of harm management and discusses why it tends to be problematic. Whether you are struggling with an addiction yourself or love someone who is addicted, you can find lots to help you in this episode. Cinthia also outlines some of the other addiction-related topics she plans to cover this week and describes a relevant interview planned for this Friday.