
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Addiction, Part 2: What It Means to Love Someone With An Addiction
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Addiction is painful for everyone involved, and it raises questions we never wanted to have to answer. Today Cinthia differs between judging an addict, which she discouraged yesterday, and discerning when behavior becomes unhealthy and dangerous. What is the difference between setting boundaries and judging? Between being self-righteous and loving someone honestly? Between excuses and explanations? This episode encourages understanding people as fully as possible, dealing with our own issues, and being tolerant of people's pain but intolerant of behaviors that destroy what is precious. Join Cinthia to explore God's heart toward addicted people and the importance of aligning with His heart instead of swinging between judgment (including self-judgment for addicts) and enabling or excusing behavior.