
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Communication, Part 1: Covert and Overt Communication
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Monday Oct 02, 2017
What are you saying? We know it's more than just the words you choose; it includes tone, body language, facial expression, etc. Still, words are important. They build, and they tear down. They matter. Did you know that words even affect the brain of the one using the words? Even the words on which we dwell affect our brains -- even if we don't say them! Our history (e.g. having experienced trauma or negative input from others) can affect the way we communicate, both how we give and receive. The good news is that we can learn to improve our communication, both the giving and the receipt of it. We can change the words we use to think and express, and we can change our automatic perceptions and reactions in the face of others' communications. Today Cinthia explains that we can learn to mean what we say and say what we mean instead of inappropriately protecting ourselves and others from the truth, and to do all this in love rather than justifying our brutal communication as "just being honest." Today Cinthia looks at the ways God uses words and what this means for those of us who want to use words the way He intended.