Sunday Jun 20, 2021
I Really Screwed Up
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Have you ever felt your stomach drop and the blood rush out of your head as you comprehend how badly you've messed up? Have you experienced those waves of shame and guilt that come over you again and again, gutting you, snatching away any sense of hope or happiness that has started to accumulate since the last wave knocked you over? We've all been there, but some of us live there, believing our choices to be a life sentence that will never fully be served. But the truth is that Jesus took our guilt and shame on Himself when He died for us. He has already faced the waves for us. So how do we let Him calm the storm inside us? Is it even right to try to move on when we have done so much damage? Cinthia explores all this and more today. If finding peace seems impossible or even wrong because of what you've done, don't miss this episode.