
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Relationships with God and Man, Part 2
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Relationships may get play in a lot of shallow discussions and articles, but they are bound up with the deep things of life. What do you believe about yourself? God? Other people? These beliefs lay the groundwork for all our relationships, and sometimes this explains a lot about our relationships! What does it mean that you are made in God's image, and so are the people around you? Cinthia discusses some specific ways God made us like Himself and examines what these mean for our spirituality and our relationships with each other. As much as we can all work on things like communication, none of it fits together until we look at these more foundational issues. Join Cinthia to explore what it means to be an image-bearer of God, one He designed for relationship with Himself and others.