
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
Top Relationship and Sex Killers, Part 3
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
This may be the last of a series, but today Cinthia is covering the top sex and relationship killer of all: selfishness. Sometimes we're more selfish than we know, especially since Cinthia includes refusal to take care of ourselves under the heading of selfishness since, sooner or later, it tends to reduce what we have to give and force others to take care of us. So what is selfishness? Cinthia explores definitions that are likely to hit home with all of us at some level. She also talks about specific ways we can begin to address our own selfishness to give our relationships a chance. This is an essential topic for anyone who wants to make a relationship work, ever. Ironically, we can't be our own best versions when we are overly focused on ourselves. Join Cinthia to look at what to do with our own selfishness.