
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Kinder and Gentler, Part 2: How We Think Toward Ourselves
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Would you ever talk to someone else the way you talk to yourself, or would you shudder at the thought of being so mean? What would it be like to see someone treat another person the way you treat yourself? Sometimes we minimize the seriousness of how we talk to ourselves. Cinthia explains that, if the enemy can get you to abuse yourself, he can sit back and let you do his job for him. Additionally, what's happening inside our heads usually works its way into our actions and our words. We may never intend to be as critical of others as we are of ourselves, but a critical attitude can spread to parts of our lives we thought were off-limits. Do the words you say to yourself in your own head reflect the ways Jesus talks to you? If God lives inside you, what kind of dialogue does He have to hear in your head? Cinthia encourages us to run interventions on ourselves and learn to apply the fruits of the Spirit internally just as we learn to apply them with each other.