
Monday Feb 05, 2018
Equine Therapeutic Work with guest Lisa Pewe
Monday Feb 05, 2018
Monday Feb 05, 2018
Today, Cinthia is joined by her friend Lisa Pewe, an equine specialist who is the Executive Director and program designer of Envision Therapeutic Horsemanship. They discuss how working with horses can help those impacted by trauma, attachment problems, and other difficulties. Cinthia shares her own experiences engaging in equine therapeutic horsemanship with Lisa, and the two discuss work that is happening and services that are becoming available now, as well as some that lack only the funding to become reality.

Friday Feb 02, 2018
How Do We Love One Another?
Friday Feb 02, 2018
Friday Feb 02, 2018
If you've been following this series for the last two weeks, you've probably gotten so much great information that it's been like drinking from the proverbial fire hydrant! Today, Cinthia offers some summaries that can give you some overall perspective and places to start. We want to be the best versions of ourselves and to have the best versions of our relationships; join Cinthia to find out how!

Thursday Feb 01, 2018
How Do Women Need to Be Loved, Part 2
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
How can you help the woman you love to be less stressed? What can you do when she is insecure about her appearance? What is the deal with giving jewelry? Cinthia continues her exploration of what makes a woman feel truly loved. Make sure you listen to yesterday's episode, then join us for this one!

Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
How Do Women Need To Be Loved, Part 1
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
For men, trying to figure out women can seem like the riddle of the ages. Men are often frustrated with the sense that, no matter how hard they work, the woman they love continues to question their love and communicate insecurity. Gentlemen, if you've ever wished someone would explain to you what women want and need, you're going to love this episode (and tomorrow's, too). You don't have to be wealthy or be a poet laureate. There really are things you can do to make all your effort translate to her as the love you know is behind it. Join Cinthia for the first day of clarity, and come back tomorrow for more!

Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
How Do Men Need To Be Loved, Part 2
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Do you know how to communicate love to a man in a way that he understands? Women may take for granted that their expressions of love will be understood and are confused and hurt when those communications don't seem to land. Yesterday, Cinthia explored the first 11 ways to make a man feel loved; today she adds fourteen more!

Monday Jan 29, 2018
How Do Men Need To Be Loved, Part 1
Monday Jan 29, 2018
Monday Jan 29, 2018
Have you ever been shocked to realize that someone you loved didn't really know how much you loved him or her? Sometimes we're sure our love is obvious, but the other person isn't experiencing the things that mean "love" to him or her. If you liked last week's podcasts on gender patterns and differences, you're going to love this week's series on how to communicate love to each gender. Today Cinthia begins a surprising exploration of what makes men feel loved. It may not be what you would think!

Friday Jan 26, 2018
Gender Speaks, Part 5
Friday Jan 26, 2018
Friday Jan 26, 2018
So many conversations between men and women go downhill for reasons that have nothing to do with the content they are discussing. (Ever been there?) Men and women use and perceive a lot of things differently, including body language, words and phrases, facial expression, even the conversation itself. This episode is crucial for anyone who communicates with members of the opposite sex, whether in business, marriage, family relationships, organizations, friendships, or community interaction. Grab a pen to take notes, or plan to listen a few times -- it's that good and that important.

Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Gender Speaks, Part 4
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Guys, does the woman in your life seem to bring up the past when you thought it was resolved? Ladies, do you find yourself being perceived as weak in business situations even though you are entirely competent in your role? Understanding basic gender differences can revolutionize our communication and give us tools for understanding and communicating more effectively. Today, Cinthia continues looking at the needs of women. Gentlemen, if you ever find it confusing or frustrating to try to communicate with the females in your life, today and yesterday are must-listen podcasts. Ladies, if you're trying to communicate with men but worry that you're not being taken seriously, this episode has great tips and explanations to help. And, everyone, if you love today's episode, come back tomorrow for lots of specific communication tips.

Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
Gender Speaks, Part 3
Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
What do you do when you see someone crying, and what do you think when you see someone do the opposite? Why do women carry handbags-- is it just a fashion statement? Despite individual differences, knowing the basic patterns of gender differences can help us tell the difference between difference and dysfunction, and this moves us a long way toward being the best versions of ourselves and having the best relationships possible. Today, Cinthia finishes looking at the basic needs of men and begins looking at the basic needs of women. Don't be surprised if it changes how you look at your own behavior or the behavior of those you love.

Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Gender Speaks, Part 2
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
In the modern world, differences between men and women tend to be minimized in favor of acknowledgement that variation exists within each gender group and that similarities exist among all humans. When the pendulum swings too far in this direction, we can start to pathologize our partners or suspect character defects because we have so little understanding of the basic nature and needs of the other gender. Today, Cinthia starts to discuss the basic outlooks and needs of men and women.