
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Conversations With Guest Leslie Martin, Part 2
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Today Cinthia and Leslie continue passing the baton, transitioning from Leslie's fourteen years of ministering in this radio time slot to Cinthia's. Change is never easy, even when it's good, and these two friends are spending two days helping listeners transition well from Leslie's Bible teaching to Cinthia's teaching as a Christian psychotherapist. How do we end things well when it's time to go? How do we begin with strength on a new endeavor? How do we pass on the mantle when God calls us to move somewhere else? These two model a transition discussion that covers lots of topics and biblical insight. Leslie cites II Timothy, which Paul wrote as he moved toward a looming death sentence that would take him Home by way of Nero's court, and Cinthia offers an analogy that encourages cooperating with God's sifting process instead of continually retreating.

Monday Sep 18, 2017
Conversations With Guest Leslie Martin, Part 1
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Today Cinthia branches out from the weekly show to begin this daily version! She is joined by Pastor Leslie Martin, an old friend Cinthia greatly respects who also occupied this time slot until recently. The two discuss what it means to deal with the grief and loss associated with change - even good change - while also trusting that God is with us as we face it. Cinthia and Leslie also discuss the difference between guilt and shame and the way that Jesus's death and resurrection cover both.

Sunday Sep 03, 2017
40 Days Through the Prayers of Jesus, with Interview: Tim Cameron
Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Today best-selling author Tim Cameron joins Cinthia for a discussion of his book 40 Days Through the Prayers of Jesus: A Journey to Pray More Like Christ. Mr. Cameron explains that he determined to learn more about prayer during an illness that he thought would be terminal. Although he read extensively on prayer, he continued to struggle in his own prayer life until he began focusing on the prayers of Jesus while He was on earth. Mr. Cameron now discusses busyness as what diverts our time from prayer and worldliness as what diverts our attention. He talks about prayer as the way we get to know the Holy Spirit, learn to have unity with one another, and engage in spiritual warfare. Refreshingly, he also emphasizes that we can learn to pray, no matter how old we are or how much we struggle. Join him and Cinthia to rethink the purpose of prayer, the approaches we often take, and what Jesus showed us about the needs of human beings to pray.